Week 2 Update
The bills keep dropping this legislative session and we are now tracking a whopping 35 bills that could affect hunters and anglers in Wyoming.
Notable additions include:
SF0118-Landowner hunting tags-amendments: On Wednesday morning this bill was set aside by the Sponsor and co-sponsors. Read the full letter here.
SF0170-Grizzly bear management prohibition banning the state from all grizzly bear management except to preserve human health and safety or as expressly required in statute. This bill significantly impacts agricultural needs, and has huge implications for the position of the Department to take on management when delisting occurs.
HB0227-Executive orders-time limitations which places a 30-day expiration on all executive orders every time a new governor takes office. This does not provide enough time for an incoming administration to understand the nuances of essential wildlife policies like the sage grouse management or migration corridor protections for big game, both of which depend on executive orders. These important pieces of conservation policy would be threatened with every election cycle if this bill is passed.
HB0286-Mountain lion hunting season-changes which eliminates shooting hours, seasons, quotas, bag limits and hunt areas for mountain lions, removes the Commission’s ability to regulate the use of dogs, and would allow trapping and snaring of lions. It effectively removes management authority from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and reduced lions to predator status, while keeping the Department on the hook to pay for lion damages out of sportsmens’ pockets.
Bills that moved last week:
HB0005-Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats passed House TRW Committee with significant amendments.
HB0045-Removing otters as protected animals passed third reading in the House and was received for introduction by the Senate
HB0109-Trespassing-suspend hunting license introduced and referred to House TRW
HB0118-Limitations on net land gains for the federal government passed third reading in the House and was received for introduction by the Senate
HB0204-Nonresident fishing license fee increase passed House TRW Committee
HB0221-Bighorn and domestic sheep relocation-effective date repeal failed House Agriculture Committee
HB0227-Executive orders-time limitations introduced and referred to House Corporations Committee
HB0275-Treatment of animals introduced and referred to House TRW Committee
HB0281-Landowner hunting coupons-hunts that harvest no animal introduced and referred to House Agriculture Committee
SF0002-Hunting licenses-weighted bonus point system passed second reading in the Senate
SF0003-Mule and whitetail deer-separate hunting seasons passed second reading in the Senate
SF0041-Federal acts-legal actions authorized passed Committee of the Whole in the Senate
SF0088-2025 Large project funding passed Senate TRW Committee and was referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
SF0099-Game and fish property tax exemption passed third reading in the Senate and was received for introduction by the House
SF0118-Landowner hunting tags-amendments was referred to Senate Agriculture Committee
SF0139-Trapping requirements-licenses, seasons, and setbacks was referred to Senate TRW Committee
SF0140-Trapping education requirements was referred to Senate TRW Committee
SF0149-Wildlife conservation plates-amendments was referred to Senate TRW Committee
SJ0002-Resolution to demand equal footing was referred to Senate Agriculture Committee
Interested in learning more about the legislative process and getting involved at the state capitol? Make sure to join us for Camo at the Capitol on February 13th!