This past week we celebrated our 12th annual Sportmen’s Legislative Reception and our 7th Camo at the Capitol class. We had record-breaking attendance this year, with nearly 70 hunters, anglers, and concerned citizens attending from around the state! We certainly made an impression on our afternoon visit to the Capitol, and we received many compliments and congratulations on the success of the program. We deeply appreciate everyone who was able to take the time to travel to Cheyenne to represent the sporting community of Wyoming. Check out some of the photos from the event here.

What is still coming up?
We’re officially less than 3 weeks from the end of session, and many bills have not made it through deadlines or votes. So what are we still watching?
- HB0118-Limitations on net land gains for the federal government which prohibits any sale or transfer of public or private lands that would result in an acreage gain of federal lands has been received for introduction by the Senate. It has not yet been officially referred to a Committee, but will likely be heard by the Senate Agriculture Committee.
- HB0045-Removing otters as protected animals which reclassifies otters as a non-game animal was heard on its third reading in the Senate
- HB0005-Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats passed the Senate TRW Committee this week and will be heading to the Senate floor for its first reading
- SF0088-2025 large project funding will be heard on the House floor this week
Which bills died last week?
- SF0105-An Act to Preserve State Territorial Sovereignty and SJ0002-Resolution demanding equal footing both died last week, which leaves HB0118 standing alone as the last of the three bad public lands bills we are fighting
- HB0002-Hunting license application fees increase died after failing to meet its Committee of the Whole deadline
- HB0110-Trapping licenses-nonresident reciprocal licenses died after failing to meet its Committee of the Whole deadline
- HB0093-Protect Wyoming’s lands act failed its Committee of the Whole vote in the Senate
- HB0304-State Lands-hunting and fishing on cultivated croplands failed its Committee of the Whole vote in the House
- SF0134-Industrial siting-wildlife mitigation was laid back in the Senate Minerals Committee and will be brought for consideration as an interim topic
What bills are still moving?
- HB0211-Hunting wildlife from vehicles will be heard by the Senate TRW Committee on Thursday
- HB0221-Bighorn and domestic sheep relocation-effective date repeal has been introduced to the Senate Agriculture Committee
- HB0227-Executive orders-time limitations has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee
- HB0275-Treatment of animals has been referred to the Senate TRW Committee
- SF0002-Hunting licenses-weighted bonus points system has been referred to the House TRW Committee
- SF0063-State lands-fencing 2 will be heard on the House floor this week
- SF0099-Game and fish property tax exemptions has been referred to the House TRW Committee
- SF0139-Trapping requirements-licenses, seasons, and setbacks has been received for introduction by the House
- SF0149-Wildlife conservation plates-amendments will be heard on its third reading in the House this week
- SF0179-Sage grouse-compensatory mitigation amendments has been referred to the House TRW Committee