Bear Grills: A Bear Meat Recipe Competition
The 2020 Bear Grills Competition is Closed Do you have what it takes to make it out alive from one of the most dangerous places on earth? The WWF Team is referring to the sort of places you wouldn’t last a day without the right survival skills. WWF vs. The Kitchen*. *Originally intended to say …
3 Wyoming Tag Application Tips
Wyoming sportsmen looking to hunt critters this fall can wade into the tag application process as of January 3, 2022. There’s no harm in applying early for fall hunts since you can modify or withdraw after the fact. Except maybe any anxiousness and anticipation from waiting for the May or June results date, but that’s …
Spring 2020 Fund Drive
The days are getting longer, and it’s about time to head outside for our favorite spring and summer activities. With all that has evolved from COVID-19, we recognize these are uncertain times, but there is optimism in the fresh spring air. Wyoming natives turn to our outdoors no matter how harsh the exposure, how intimidating …
Unconventional Wyoming Turkey Tactics
I am not what most “die-hards” would call a skilled turkey hunter; some of my tactics would be darn right blasphemous in some circles. That said, I have only been chasing the critter for the last 5 years or so, but I have had plenty of success finding public land birds without any formal training …
Why Sportsmen Should Care About the 2020 Legislative Session
The 2020 legislative session was incredibly positive for hunters, anglers, wildlife, and wild places in Wyoming. We had long days and hard discussions about wildlife, hunting, and angling opportunities with folks from all sorts of backgrounds. It can be tense working with people on every side of an issue, but people here in Wyoming are …
Why Sportsmen Should Care About the 2020 Legislative Session Read More »
Wyoming Wildlife-Friendly Landscaping
Making the most of the time stuck at home doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. As the weather warms, planting wildlife-friendly landscaping can make your home a habitat, too. While there are many flowers and shrubs enjoyed by deer, most people don’t appreciate the damage they do to yards and landscaping. This spring, concentrate …
COVID-19 & Conservation
At Wyoming Wildlife Federation, we are striving to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our local communities. Knowing that our WWF members, relatives, and friends are greatly impacted by these unprecedented and unpredictable times. Regarding event planning, in-person fundraisers and community projects WWF will comply with state and federal health guidelines, …
2020 Wyoming Commissioner Tag Raffle
[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”jumbo” url=”” text=”Find 2021 Commissioner’s Tag Raffle Tickets Here” color_override=””] We truly appreciate everyone who participated in the 2020 Commissioner’s Tag Raffle. For those who may have missed it, the winners were as follows: New West Knife – Austin M. New West Knife – Johnathan T. First Lite Kit – John …
From Field to Capitol
As hunters and anglers, we are a trusted and effective voice for conservation. There’s no shortage of threats to the lands and waters where we spend time. That time is the most precious for our families and our communities. Time outside is why we live in Wyoming. If we aren’t advocating for the conservation of …
Centered in Sunlight
This August, I took a trip to the 7D Ranch in northwest Wyoming to tell a human story of conservation from a local perspective. Meade Dominick, along with his wife Andrea manage the 7D guest ranch and are owners of 7D Outfitting, a hunting operation specializing in northern Absaroka Range bighorn sheep hunts. Meade is …
New Film Showcases Local Support for Little Mountain in Wyoming’s Sweetwater County
A community-based coalition calls for conservation measures to safeguard this one-of-a-kind recreational destination ROCK SPRINGS, WY – The Greater Little Mountain Coalition released a film recently, highlighting local support for the conservation of its namesake area, just south of Rock Springs. The film features seven Sweetwater County residents expressing their views on the importance of …
New Film Showcases Local Support for Little Mountain in Wyoming’s Sweetwater County Read More »
Challenges and Choices Associated with CWD
Deer and elk are a big part of the Wyoming landscape and our Wyoming culture. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department adopted a CWD management plan and, understandably, it raises questions and concerns for many. When CWD was first discovered on the border between Wyoming and Colorado, Wyoming took a wait-and-see approach while other states …
Help Protect Our Way of Life
We need everyone who values the wild spaces of Wyoming to get involved. Are you ready?