Join the community focused on maintaining sound science-based wildlife management at the fourth annual Bear Banquet.
This event is a partnership between Wyoming Wildlife Federation and the American Bear Foundation.
When + Where
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Cody Cattle Company: 910 Demaris Drive, in Cody WY
Workshops begin: 1:00 PM
Banquet start: 6:00 PM
Email Grayson Highfield with questions at ghighfield@wyomingwildlife.org
Friday Event
Join us for Private Cody Firearms Experience on Friday, January 24th!
Shoot Then Sip Evening
7pm - 9pm @ Cody Firearms Experience
Max 100 People
All ages are welcome at this event
Bring your own gun to shoot or you can rent firearms for a discounted rate (if you’re bringing your own gun, please bring it in a hard case).
Axe throwing will also be available and free to event participants!
Alcohol will be available all evening at CFE, but wristbands will be provided for shooters and once they are cut off, they can drink but they cannot shoot again. You don't have to shoot to participate, but it's a great atmosphere and we encourage everyone to give it a go.
Learn more about Cody Firearms Experience.
1:00 PM | Dan Thompson - The Grizzly Bear State of the Union by WGFD
In this workshop, Dan Thompson will share the latest about grizzly bear conservation, populations, and the current status of grizzly bear delisting following the January 20th update.
1:30 PM | Jess Johnson - 2025 Legislative Session Update by WWF
Many wildlife and hunting-related bills are being brought to the 2025 legislature, and the Wyoming Wildlife Federation is there full-time to be the voice for the hunting-conservation community on them. Jess gives an update about the most pressing issues in the 2025 session.
2:00 PM | Joe Kondelis - Black Bear Conservation Update & How to Bait Bears By ABF
Briefly, Joe updates everyone on the latest happenings in black bear conservation being done by the American Bear Foundation in Wyoming and across the U.S. Then, he dives into how someone can get started baiting bears in Wyoming; from getting a bait site to putting together a barrel and sitting it for a big bruin.
2:30 PM | Jaden Bales - Spot and Stalk E-Scouting for Bears by Hunt West
Spot and stalk black bear hunting in the spring is a thrill and can be a highly effective bear hunting tactic if you know where to look. In this workshop, Jaden of Hunt West shares his keys to finding likely areas for black bears so you can spot and stalk them to take one home this year.
3:00 PM | Mindy Paulek - Shot Placement & Recovering Bears by RMBGR
Recovering your black bear is critical no matter the type of hunting you do for them. They are tough critters with unique shot placement challenges compared to the hooved animals we normally hunt for. That’s why Mindy Paulek of Rocky Mountain Big Game Recovery will break down the best practices of where to aim on black bears and how to make sure you are doing all you can to recover your bear if it doesn’t go down right away.
3:30 PM | Kenneth Thrall - Pack Fitting for Pack Outs by Kifaru
Black bears love inhabiting some of the most rugged country in Wyoming, and in order to pack them out, you need a good-fitting backpack and the knowledge to use it appropriately. Kenneth will share tips for good pack fitment and packing out a bear as comfortably as possible.
2025 Title SPONSOR

All proceeds are split between the nonprofit organizations; the American Bear Foundation & the Wyoming Wildlife Federation. Both organizations missions focus on furthering wildlife conservation and our hunting heritage.
You can become a member of the American Bear Foundation here >>
Learn about Wyoming Wildlife Federation memberships here >>