Though the COVID-19 situation has altered plans for various activities, there is still a lot to be excited about if you are an archer in Southeast Wyoming. Now that warm and pleasant weather is in full swing, there are multiple opportunities to shoot both indoors and outside.

Only about 30 minutes’ drive from either Cheyenne or Laramie, the Aspen Grove Archery Range at Curt Gowdy State Park is an incredible outdoor range for those wanting to hone their skills with realistic field shots. Originally developed in the 1960s by the Cheyenne Field Archers, the course meets National Field Archery Association standards as a 28-target field course. It stretches over 2-miles in length over rolling hills, through pines, bitterbrush, and beautiful rocky outcroppings. Bowhunters in this part of Wyoming dream of the hunting scenarios found at the range. It is free to shoot the course while the park is open, though you should bring paper targets for the course as backups for potentially missing or torn preexisting targets.
The Cheyenne Field Archers are continuing to plan the Bow Hunter’s Weekend this summer. On August 1st and 2nd, 2020, Bow Hunter’s Weekend will take place at the Aspen Grove Archery Range and is a 40-target competitive 3D shoot. There will be no championship flight of shooters as a result of expected low-attendance, but winners will still score belt buckles post-event. Like most events during COVID-19 times, the dates and times may be subject to change.
You may register for the Bow Hunter’s Weekend competition here.
The Cheyenne Field Archers also offer access to their indoor range for members. It’s a great place to shoot, especially when SE Wyoming wind and summer thunderstorms make outdoor shooting less than ideal. A completely volunteer-based nonprofit, the Cheyenne Field Archers have been working hard to keep the opportunity available for those who wish to shoot by maintaining superbly clean bathrooms and high touch areas. The Field Archers ask those who are sick to please stay home and to practice social distancing guidance from other shooters.
The Cheyenne Field Archers indoor range offers an excellent opportunity to hone archery skills out to 40-yards without other elements playing a factor. To find out more information about membership, visit
Cheyenne Field Archers is an affiliate club of Wyoming Wildlife Federation. Affiliates help advocate on behalf of policy for sportsmen. The Cheyenne Field Archers played a massive role in passing HB0092 – Pioneer archery licenses.
If your sportsmen’s organization would like to become an affiliate, contact