
A film showing ranchers, oil and gas workers, and conservation groups working together to protect wildlife habitat and migrations.

Our Latest News & Reports

This is where we break down the latest wildlife news and topics that Wyoming sportsmen and women need to know about. We provide insight, education, and action items that give you the tools necessary to be an effective voice for the issues in conservation that matter to you. From field reports, policy updates, science and educational pieces, to stories of the people and places of Wyoming, our News Feed provides a place for the hunting, angling, and outdoor community to come together around common goals and shared passions.

Our Position

Read the latest editorial position from Wyoming Wildlife Federation. We occasionally have the opportunity to publish op-eds and opinion pieces in Wyoming’s newspapers and print media. These are our most detailed thoughts and perspective on the issues facing Wyoming.

Perspectives: A disappointing decision on Grizzlies

For the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, success is a balance of addressing the biological needs of bears and the anthropogenic needs of humanity. This proposal disregards both. The Wyoming Wildlife Federation is disappointed by the proposal from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to …

Perspectives: A disappointing decision on Grizzlies Read More »

The Pronghorn

We put out a statewide publication called The Pronghorn in order to update our members and supporters on the latest news about our work and Wyoming conservation issues. Read the latest issue here.

Legislative Report

During each session of the Wyoming State Legislature we release regular reports detailing the legislation being considered and its status as it moves through the statehouse. Read the latest report here.

Perspectives: We, the people

Words from Pixie Herbert I live a stone’s throw from Shoshone National Forest outside of Dubois, WY; it’s a beautiful patchwork quilt of old ranches, new cabins, state blocks, and federal lands. It’s dense with wildlife, one of the primary reasons I live …

Perspectives: We, the people Read More »

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