Wyoming Range

This beloved country is large and encompasses Thompson Pass, Horse Creek, McDougal Gap, North and South Cottonwood Creeks, Wyoming Peak, and Piney Creek. Wildlife in the Wyoming Range include genetically pure Colorado River cutthroat trout, Snake River cutthroat trout, black and grizzly bears, elk, half of the state’s moose population, and the northern end of the longest mule deer migration corridor in the world.


The high grassy alpine basins, steep avalanche chutes, and dark lush forests that make up the Wyoming Range create incredible summer range ungulate habitat.

The mule deer that live here are sought after by deer enthusiasts across the U.S., who often line the roads of the Wyoming Range's winter range habitat in November and December with spotting scopes and long-lens cameras to view the world-class animals this part of the world produces. Additionally, thousands of nonresidents to Wyoming apply for the opportunity to pursue this trophy wildlife in this trophy landscape, many of them waiting nearly a decade before having the opportunity to hunt in the Wyoming Range. Unfortunately, because of severe losses to the population from harsh winters and habitat loss, wildlife officials project this mule deer herd is only 20% the size of its height in the early 90s.

In addition to the famed mule deer herd, the landscape draws elk hunters, wildlife watchers, backpackers, overland motorcycle riders, snowmobilers, fishermen, and other recreationalists from around the world. Unfortunately, changing conditions, including barriers in the form of fences, rural development, roadway crossings, and energy development, impact the long-term health of the herds and other wildlife.

The Migration Corridor

Rather than a single path, the Wyoming Range mule deer migration corridor is a highly braided set of routes that deer use to pass between the Hoback Rim above Bondurant south to Kemmerer. The corridor crosses two mountain ranges, the Salt River Range and the Wyoming Range with the longest treks being over 130 miles long.

The Wyoming Range has multiple threats with fences impeding movement across the landscape, housing developments on winter ranges, roadways cutting off migration and taking out animals, and some oil and gas development impairing habitat. The Federation tells the story of all of these groups working together to conserve the migration corridor in the film Stakeholders.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will follow the process created by the Governor’s Executive Order on Migration Corridors to address the needs of the corridor from a land management level.

Bridger-Teton National Forest Planning

The high country of the Wyoming Range is largely dominated by lands managed under the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The management plan for this national forest is due for revision in the near future, and the Wyoming Wildlife Federation team is working in the trenches to ensure the right balance of wildlife and recreation values are achieved in this revised plan.

The team is currently mapping high-priority areas within this massive landscape of the highest wildlife and recreational value to ensure recommendations during National Forest planning are what is best for future generations of our natural world and the people who enjoy it. This will continue to be a multi-year process with details emerging to engage local citizens and hunters to make a difference in this 20+ year public lands policy document.

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Wyoming holds some of the most pristine and intact ecosystems on the planet, with public lands comprising nearly half of…

Through our work in policy, advocacy, and public initiatives, we strive for management protocols that are sustainable for the wildlife, ecosystems, and the human economies that they effect.

Our vision is a Wyoming with clean water and healthy habitat to help support the wildlife and fish species that depend on them.

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