Living Wyoming Wild
The goal of the Living Wyoming Wild initiative is to showcase the diversity and scope of those individuals, businesses, and organizations that know the value of Wyoming’s wild heritage.
The goal of the Living Wyoming Wild initiative is to showcase the diversity and scope of those individuals, businesses, and organizations that know the value of Wyoming’s wild heritage.
Living Wyoming Wild: Jade Thoemke Lessons Learned by: Jade Thoemke Photos: Jade Thoemke, Nick Seiler Wyoming’s’ wild landscapes have a way of teaching us lessons we may or may not be seeking. As a school teacher and avid outdoorswoman based in Sheridan, Jade shares some words around these lessons learned. Five years ago I stepped …
In Wyoming we are known for our independent nature, we take pride in our work and know where to draw the line. So, in 2007 when the State of Wyoming charged a group of people from independent backgrounds to come together and solve a complex problem, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work. …