Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so Important?
Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so important for wildlife?
Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so important for wildlife?
The 2023 Wyoming General legislative session ran for eight weeks this year, from early January until early March. With twenty-seven new House of Representatives and eight new State Senators, the early session ran slower than previous sessions due to a lot of education and discussion needed for the officials in new seats. Hunters and anglers …
What Happened During the 2023 Legislative Session? Read More »
Bears are known to carry the disease trichinosis, like pork, and the competition brought light to how best to address its presence in your harvest. In humans, Trichinosis causes stomach-flu-like symptoms, achy muscles, and fatigue, though it’s generally not serious. To prevent getting it, killing trichinosis in the meat is as simple as making sure …