Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so Important?
Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so important for wildlife?
Wyoming State Land Parcel 194: Why is it so important for wildlife?
What is an ACEC? An Overview of BLM’s Areas For Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, also known as ACEC’s, are places that exist within public lands that feature important values where special management is required to protect those values. These may be related to fish and wildlife or may be historical, …
What is a BLM Area For Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)? Read More »
Wyoming is blessed with vast, iconic western landscapes that provide habitat for wildlife and offer hunting opportunities rivaled by few, if any, other states. Many of these areas are also rich in various fuel resources that we rely upon as a society for everyday life. The state has long been a major producer of fossil …