2022 End of Year Survey
THANK YOU FOR LENDING YOUR INPUT! You are the lifeblood of the work at Wyoming Wildlife Federation. This sincerely helps us better serve you, and Wyoming’s wiildlife and wild places. Stay tuned. On January 2nd, 2023, one lucky respondent will be given a $200 gift card to use with our friends at Maven Optics as …
Wyoming’s Traditional Energy & Wildlife
Wyoming is blessed with vast, iconic western landscapes that provide habitat for wildlife and offer hunting opportunities rivaled by few, if any, other states. Many of these areas are also rich in various fuel resources that we rely upon as a society for everyday life. The state has long been a major producer of fossil …
Ernest Hemingway’s Letters On Wyoming’s Sage Grouse
Images abound of Ernest Hemingway holding rooster pheasants and ducks. He speaks of hunting Hungarian partridge and jacksnipe in Idaho, quail in Arkansas, and even grouse in Michigan. But there is another bird. One that escapes the headlines and paparazzi photos. It is mostly shared in letters to family and friends…I speak of Hemingway’s hunting …
Ernest Hemingway’s Letters On Wyoming’s Sage Grouse Read More »
Our Lands, Our Wildlife, Our Waters | Southwest Wyoming’s Best
Our Lands, Our Wildlife, Our Waters Southwest Wyoming’s Most Special Areas Written by Shelby Martin | Rock Springs, WY I am a Wyoming woman. I was born and raised in southwest Wyoming where I have had the privilege of hunting, fishing, and recreating with my dad in some of the most beautiful, rugged, and open …
Our Lands, Our Wildlife, Our Waters | Southwest Wyoming’s Best Read More »
Volunteers Tear Down 8-Foot Fence For Wildlife
On July 30th, volunteers circled the wagons near Elk Ridge in the Spence-Moriarty Wildlife Habitat Management Area. The task? Remove eight-foot tall elk fence from 9,000 feet in elevation so deer, pronghorn, and elk can travel across the landscape there. This six-tenths of a mile section was difficult to get to and was adjacent to …
Taskforce Makes Decisions on Comprehensive Proposal
For the past 14 months, the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce has debated some of the most contentious issues in wildlife management for the Cowboy State. Everything from license allocations to landowner licenses and habitat improvements has been at the table for this group. Throughout the entire process, members of the taskforce noted how many of these …
Taskforce Makes Decisions on Comprehensive Proposal Read More »
2022 Sportsmen’s Candidate Forums
This program gives hunters the opportunity to give back to local communities and it gives those in need a local, healthy nutritional component to their diet.
Wyoming’s Renewable Resources
Wyoming plays a significant role in supplying domestic sources of energy. Historically, this has meant oil and gas development, but renewables such as wind and solar are becoming increasingly prevalent in the Cowboy State, as well. In recent years, these sources of energy have become more cost-effective and efficient. A report by the Department of …
Volunteers Needed: Fence Removal Near Dubois
Local hunting and angling nonprofits – the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, the Red Canyon Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Bowhunters of Wyoming – are looking for volunteers to remove fence on Saturday, July 30, 2022, near Dubois, WY. The Fremont County fence removal project is the Wyoming Wildlife Federation’s longest-running project where volunteers …
2022 Wyoming Candidates Sporting Questionnaire
Most people see the election signs around town, but do you really know what your candidates for election think about the issues you care about? If you are a hunter and angler, then clean water, better habitat, and access to outdoor opportunities are important to you and who you support in Wyoming elections. Below are …
Jackson Wildlife On Tap
This program gives hunters the opportunity to give back to local communities and it gives those in need a local, healthy nutritional component to their diet.
Hunters For The Hungry in Jackson, WY
This program gives hunters the opportunity to give back to local communities and it gives those in need a local, healthy nutritional component to their diet.
Help Protect Our Way of Life
We need everyone who values the wild spaces of Wyoming to get involved. Are you ready?